Whether you are interested in using C-Labs products yourself or embedding the technology in your own products, C-Labs offers licensing and pricing models to make it simple.
As an end-user, C-Labs software is licensed, not sold, to you, for your own internal use on a subscription basis. Your subscription provides you with use of the software, including all updates, during the subscription term. Your subscription price depends on the type and quantity of components you use in your configuration, and the peak number of "things" connected in your configuration during the subscription term, which will be totaled automatically so you don't need to keep track. Unlimited use subscriptions are available. Solution design, technical support, and other professional services are also available.
As an OEM, you are responsible for the pricing, licensing, and support of your own product. C-Labs requires that your software license is no less restrictive than the license that C-Labs grants you. OEM licensing is offered on a perpetual royalty basis for inclusion in each unit you produce. You may price your product which includes C-Labs software any way you wish, including perpetual, subscription, rental, or other models. C-Labs software components are treated just like the physical nuts and bolts that go into your product which must be acquired and paid for in advance. There are minimum order quantities and agreement terms, which also include regular reporting obligations to ensure proper royalty payments. Product integration, plug-in development, and other professional services are also available.